
Thumbnail of the map 'Avoirdupois'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mc_george
Tags action author:mc_george playable rated
Created 2006-11-25
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description Map-making, Zres style!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Curvy' Thumbnail of the map 'Curvy 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Skyfold' Thumbnail of the map 'The aftermath of an English exam' Thumbnail of the map 'The aftermath of a Religion exam' Thumbnail of the map 'The aftermath of a History exam'
Curvy Curvy 2 Skyfold The aftermath of an English exam The aftermath of a Religion exam The aftermath of a History exam


Pages: (0)


I had no idea our weight system had such a weird name. Thanks for that...

Nah, your right

It's a system of weights based on the 16 ounce pound.
It's like the imperial equivalent for weight or something. Probably wrong...


Guess where I got it from and I'll give you a dedication.

Nice title



i don't these really constrained style maps. But you did a pretty good job with this one.3.5
Demo Data

pretty fun

i like the way that your constantly on the move. 4/5
Demo Data


I made this map for the fun of it. It wasn't a map I expected to get high ratings.

i hate this style

but its just me, i know... NR