Thumbnail of the map 'AzMi DDA'

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Author AzMiLion
Tags author:azmilion dda rated v1.3c
Created 2005-04-09
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description lookee!
my first DDA
it is kinda long but i tried a few things in this DDA.
it was made in 1.4a wch can be found at the metanet forums.

anyways this is my first DDA wich i made during a workshop at school(yeah i got bored) and i removed some flaws at home.
hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed making it!

Other maps by this author

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hypercube Template Hypercube 1 Asylum v1.1 Symetryzy Sanctuary


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It's nice for a first DDA. You should add more enemies (turrets and seekers) next time. Try to fill up time when standing on a thump elevator (using turrets, ect).

The part with the closed doors at the left was a bit over-kill.
no.. i mean it


its pretty sweet, put some more enemys in it though just to make a little more action packed, but still reall awesome. I just posted my first DDA, take a look at it i hope it is as good as yours.
i had a drone that killed him just there but i kinda nuked it when i forgot to reset before editting it again.
If you do another DDA, Use trap doors that make N get faster. And don't build up your DDA with almost only launchpad's
I used it alot on my DDA's:
"DDA" and "DungeonDDA".
And look on the DDA "Earth" by chimneysweep. It's a good example!
I'm only here to help you!!

he falls just short...

good for a first DDA though.