through and around

Thumbnail of the map 'through and around'

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Author lord_zecrus
Tags author:lord_zecrus playable race rated
Created 2006-12-05
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description A race level i created. basically you go through each part of the race and at the end around the entire level 1 last time. I find it to be a cool race map. plz give helpful comments/suggestions of how i can improve this map.


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Clustering mines and enemies add to load time, and clustering enemies adds to lag time. So, it would be good to remove them
but really thats my only problem with the map, the flow. Its real problem is that it forces you to go slower if you want to stick with it. If you go as fast as you want you tend to overshoot the mark a little. 3

Watch my short demo, and you can see three times that i overshot the flow in a very short time..
Demo Data


only 3 pieces of gold are unreachable while following the flow; it isnt that big of a deal. also, does it matter if i have a few extra turrets or some extra mines? and i realize that the flow is slow at times(such as near the end) but i cant figure out an easy way to fix it.

No offence

but the flow is horrible. In good races, one does not need to slow down. in your race, you have to follow the path slowly at times. Position the gold better. Much of the gold is unreachable if you try to follow the flow. Also, work on the slopes. Many of the slopes are ineffective. The mines, you don't need so many of them. a few would do the same job just as well. Also, don't cluster enemies like at the gauss turrets, one would suffice. I would only rate this a 2/5
but not terribly bad for your first map. keep working. you'll get better. 3