Comments on "Pull the level. Make a move."

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by a lot kinda. normally i am slow. this is awesome. i thought it was boring in the beginning but the drones are brilliant. 4.5.
Demo Data


you're too slow.


Someone already bitesized it.


Some good, solid fun right there. I agree with littleviking, the path is really cool.

4.5 Favourited, Bitesized.
4.5/5 and favorited.

Cool as hell map.

I like the path it takes to get through the level.


fun map.
Demo Data
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Beat your demo
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Remember what I said about the whole stylething? Disregard it. I think it's pretty cool that you don't stick yourself to a particular style. This map is tons of fun, nice and open, and very replayable. All-gold and death. Flawless. Five out of five.
Demo Data