We are all powerless under the moon's light: a DDA

Thumbnail of the map 'We are all powerless under the moon's light: a DDA'

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Author topolord
Tags author:topolord dda rated
Created 2006-12-17
Last Modified 2006-12-17
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description DDA for exuberance's "Single Tileset Competition."

enjoy! and see the rest at that site.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'smog' Thumbnail of the map 'M.I.T.' Thumbnail of the map 'Sporous' Thumbnail of the map 'Tuner' Thumbnail of the map 'Moon reflecting in Cave: a tileset' Thumbnail of the map 'Dancing in the reflection of the moon: a puzzle'
smog M.I.T. Sporous Tuner Moon reflecting in Cave: a tileset Dancing in the reflection of the moon: a puzzle


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it didnt work

the beginning didnt work
but there were way too many launchpads

I dunno

3.5 is what I gave it, and seems fair for an average for this map.
I think the only spot you didn't use pads were the two on the left. No gold delay though.


this definitely got sniped.


I get the idea. sheesh.


many pads

Not Bad...

Race was better. 3.5/5

yeah, 3.5

repetitive begginning and overall a bit too launchpad heavy


I would have used thwumps, but the Tileset couldn't be changed.

Anyway, I think this is at least above average mc_george. 2.5 is really harsh.

a solid 3.5 if it

werent for the beginning going for 5 minutes :/ in a good mood. 3.5

Too many launchpads

And was a little repetitive. 2.5/5