A GUNning plan

Thumbnail of the map 'A GUNning plan'

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Author weisslenny0
Tags author:weisslenny0 playable survival unrated
Created 2006-12-23
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Small and simple... Dedication goes to whoever can complete this level with the best time. You have 24 hours. Please post your time as well as the replay.

Good luck!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Routine' Thumbnail of the map 'The Revolution' Thumbnail of the map 'Curvy Wurvy Race' Thumbnail of the map 'Neurotic' Thumbnail of the map 'Phesistocated' Thumbnail of the map '8 MINEute challenge'
Routine The Revolution Curvy Wurvy Race Neurotic Phesistocated 8 MINEute challenge


Pages: (0)

The Demo

It's a pretty good demo. There are faster ways to do it like in this demo which I'll put below... This demo gets more gold.
Demo Data

it was ok

Ive seen better. but heres a little something for ur troubles...... N disappeares at the end. give me feedback 3/5
Demo Data