Underground Conspiracy

Thumbnail of the map 'Underground Conspiracy'

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Author qwerty613
Tags author:qwerty613 playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-12-24
Last Modified 2006-12-28
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Tunnels with a one way path. Pretty simple, up to and including the floor guard.


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this is hard at the floor guard?!?! lol. first try with a pro wrestler squeezing my arms and my hands tied behind my back while i was asleep and in a coma and not likely to revive for 7 months. 1/5
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All gold.

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was going for speed... ahahaha.... bit *to* fast... maybe put a 1 way up there pointed down to make it possible to survive that :P
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It's not too bad...

a bit too easy, but the '4' tiles make it fun to jump up the shaft thingies. Since it's Christmas Eve, I'll give it a 3.5/5.
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First try...

Easy maps are fun sometimes ^^
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