Nova Prospekt

Thumbnail of the map 'Nova Prospekt'

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Author spiker5
Tags action author:spiker5 playable rated
Created 2006-12-28
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Prisoner map.

I win.

Other maps by this author

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Love is Like Oxygen Writing My Will Desert Heat. You can feel my lips undress your eyes. Heart-Shaped Box Great blow for a day job.


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There's no cheatable area. All the places where you can leave the drone are supposed to be there, transitions.


There are so many places where you can get away from the drones, so that sort of takes away from the prisonerness of the level, but otherwise it's good. I like the weird oneway platform thing at the beginning too.



It's a tough one.

But it's very well planned out. Good job 4/5.
4.5/5 lovin' it.