20-1: 4 Stars

Thumbnail of the map '20-1:  4 Stars'

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Author I-Am-A-Bilingual-Hippopotamus
Tags action author:i-am-a-bilingual-hippopotamus playable rated
Created 2006-12-29
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description ~Story of map in comments~

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '19-1:  The Ness of Fun' Thumbnail of the map '19-2:  My Favourite Season' Thumbnail of the map '19-3:  The Tower of A Million Crushed Dreams' Thumbnail of the map '19-4:  It's Better to Burn Out than to Fade Away' Thumbnail of the map 'Go Yankees!!' Thumbnail of the map '20-0:  Angular Descent'
19-1: The Ness of Fun 19-2: My Favourite Season 19-3: The Tower of A Million Crushed Dreams 19-4: It's Better to Burn Out than to Fade Away Go Yankees!! 20-0: Angular Descent


Pages: (0)

a bit overrated, 3.5/5.
Demo Data

Attempt 2

Demo Data

Attempt 1

Demo Data


That comment must've taken a while!
Demo Data


AGD first try. Pretty nice map, although unoriginal.
Demo Data

Well... I tried

Just a few more inches...
Demo Data


Got all the gold... just can't reach the exit pad thingy


small spaces scare me...

The map origin...

I am the eldest of 5 children.
I have 4 brothers.
They are all a pain in my ass, but I love them.
There is a star for each of my bro's here.

Peter/Petey - 14 years old, funny, takes a lot of bets, and awesome to go to Leafs games with. He has broken twelve bones in his lifetime, three on the trampoline, two off the roof, six skiing, one skateboarding.

James/Jamie - 10 years old, bookworm, gets really good grades, gets beaten up in school. He really hates it, and it makes him really angry, but when he's at home, he's the sweetest kid on earth.

Matthew/Matt - 8 years old, funny as hell. He cries a lot, though... but that's 'cause he wrestles and Petey and Petey owns him. Good times in the basement. Last year, Matt sprained his back jumping on the trampoline. He cried and wailed and he was fine after a couple months, but later, he claimed that "he didn't feel a thing." 'Atta boy, Matty!

Gregory/Greg/Tiny - 2 years old, small. He was born two months early and had to be put in an incubator for a couple weeks. He's still really small for his age, and we call him "Tiny." Even my parents do. It kinda stuck after he was born so premature. His first words? "Kimmie!"
That took me two days for him to say that. Now he can say all our names, but he gets the other three guys mixed up a lot. Haha. One time Petey was pissed and he walked in the door from school. He'd had a bad day, and Tiny walked up to him, and said, "Mad Matty!!" Pete turns to him, leans down, and says, "My name... is Petey. THAT'S Matty. HE'S THE SMALLER ONE!!"

Haha... yeah, so there's the Rose family.