
Thumbnail of the map 'Bound'

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Author stepself
Tags action author:stepself bitesized bounceblocks gauss playable rated v1.3c
Created 2005-04-19
Last Modified 2007-06-24
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Gauss turrets, mines, zap drones, and those bounce blocks just won't get out of your way. Have fun.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Plasmoid' Thumbnail of the map 'Higher' Thumbnail of the map 'Depths' Thumbnail of the map 'Lateral' Thumbnail of the map 'Bottleneck-B' Thumbnail of the map 'Benchmark'
Plasmoid Higher Depths Lateral Bottleneck-B Benchmark


Pages: (0)

Such skill!

One of my favorite maps of all time.

You know what...

I like this map too much for it to be frustrating and difficult. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid with my last map. So... edited for difficulty. Removed the rocket, added two gauss turrets.

Oh man...

I was trying for speed... Then the rocket came through a corner. Literally, over half of it was in the wall. Watch.
Demo Data


I will admit, it is a challenge... but very possible will persistance, and maybe a little luck. I wouldn't be surprised if no one tries though -- I'm not going to, but that's because the loading time ended up being longer than I liked. Long loading times frustrate me to no end.


Not so much completion, but can you conceivably expect us to even try for the gold? Still, a work of genius. The four-launchpad method is so efficient and has now become your trademark.


Awesome level, but very very very frustrating.
Demo Data