
Thumbnail of the map 'isymmetric'

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Author LouDog004
Tags action author:loudog004 playable rated
Created 2007-01-08
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description For the Monday Night Numa Map League.

Week 2: Symmetry

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Whalephail' Thumbnail of the map 'Shine Get' Thumbnail of the map 'Inner Glow' Thumbnail of the map 'Not a Real Doctor' Thumbnail of the map 'How to Disappear Completely (and Never Be Found Again)' Thumbnail of the map 'You Can Never Go Homing'
Whalephail Shine Get Inner Glow Not a Real Doctor How to Disappear Completely (and Never Be Found Again) You Can Never Go Homing


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final post. A tad bit faster
Demo Data


Looking back, this deserves 5/5 i think. It just flows perfectly when you try for all gold.
Demo Data


Most importantly, the asthetics of this map are great.
Secondly, the gameplay is perfect, just the right balance of difficulty makes it very replayable.
Finally, that rocket is placed perfectly.
The only downer is its a little too simple.
Demo Data

another one

a bit faster...i cant get the gold though =(
Demo Data

just a little demo

nothing fancy...great level, 4/5
Demo Data
i know how i could do it in theory, and i could probably do it in fbf, but..yeh. i think this should be a puzzle, but it doesn't matter. 4/5, bice concept


LouDog004 is here!!! I really loved your 82-2, and this is good, but it's damn hard for me. 4/5