New Jersey Commission on Higher Education

Thumbnail of the map 'New Jersey Commission on Higher Education'

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Author Mirage
Tags action author:mirage collaboration playable rated
Created 2007-01-11
Last Modified 2007-07-04
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description This map is the result of a head-on-head collision between Cooby and Faggot. And when I say head-on-head, I don't mean the heads on their shoulders. It came out pretty well I think. I, being deja. Possibly the most orgasmic person you'll ever meet. Oh, and I also hold the world record for most ferret testicles jammed up a left nostril in 60 seconds. Yeah, don't even think about trying to break that record.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Faster Than a Speeding Brttrx.' Thumbnail of the map 'Shirtman' Thumbnail of the map 'Coobylicious' Thumbnail of the map 'Cave-in' Thumbnail of the map 'Gone.' Thumbnail of the map 'Pudding'
Faster Than a Speeding Brttrx. Shirtman Coobylicious Cave-in Gone. Pudding


Pages: (0)


anyways, here's an AGD I got over a year ago. Fucked up the end.
Demo Data

how could I?

Demo Data

I played the map.

I forgot to worry about who made it, but I did make a pathetic AGD.
I really need to get stoned.
Demo Data


That was definitely /not/ deja.

Yeah, seriously

You've hardly been around.
That's also how I know brttrx. He joins every now and then. :)
Midnight Getaway?
Deja is one hilarious guy.

Oh god...

I think I might die of laughter...

Lol, ATFB.

You ask too many questions.

Some things are better left unanswered.


Basically, why is this submitted by 'Mirage'?

Great map guys.

Something tells me that "Faggot" is brttrx.


don't understand the question.


so one of the three are submitting it? Just you guys made it? I'm confused. Why didn't /you/ guys just submit it by yourselves?


I didn't



Did deja, Brett, and Demonz just let people join or what?

