
Thumbnail of the map 'UpWords'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author VV33
Tags action author:vv33 playable rated
Created 2007-01-12
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description -= :: JUST JUMP MAP :: =-
until you reach the bottom, and then you may walk out the exit ONLY.

dificult at the top, all gold is harder

commment and enjoy!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Mirror! Mirror!' Thumbnail of the map 'i'm all boxed in!' Thumbnail of the map 'Trigonal Mountinular' Thumbnail of the map 'Great Old Leathery Dude' Thumbnail of the map 'every time i look in your eyes.' Thumbnail of the map 'bees and squat boxs'
Mirror! Mirror! i'm all boxed in! Trigonal Mountinular Great Old Leathery Dude every time i look in your eyes. bees and squat boxs


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Awesome castle feel! I reached this map through "random". It's been a while since I got a really good map. :P

Looks like you missed a gold piece on the bottom circle, but overall I'd say 4/5 for a great map.
Demo Data

This map rocks!

But this is as far as Ive been able to get so far:
Demo Data


I've always loved maps like this, rocket based jump/no-jump puzzles. 4/5
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