Stupid Buttho'

Thumbnail of the map 'Stupid Buttho''

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Author shmi117
Tags author:shmi117 playable race rated
Created 2007-01-19
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description My First Race. Hope You Like It.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Wierd GLitch'
Wierd GLitch


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This is not a race. This thing has virtually no flow, and not even one curve on it. This is not a race. It is rather a cool map with all sorts of funny obstacles. I'd classify it as Super Easy Action.

But it gets 3.5/5 in that class. It provides some fun. Way to easy, try adding some more enemies. Make it even just a little harder. It does not give me the impression that you put much effort or thought into this. But it is a funnish map.

cool map (hi)

this map was pretty easy, but still fun.

even though Im bad at rating I'll give it a...... 5/5


thanks guys i really appreciate it. Thanks.

Ok i misread

My first race was actually much better, but this was much more fun. It's not a race though. Still love it.
Demo Data

I loved it

Excruciatinly fun. Excellent start. I don't know what's wrong with these people. Too bad for you, Fa11en. Not much of a race, but a hell of a lot better than my first. The tileset could use plastic surgery, but for a first map,



to give this a go, seeing as it doesn't even start, I spawned the ninja just after the starting thwumps. its an ok level, except, if its a race, everything relies on flow. and the door button is stuck up the very top! i got it, and finished it, (first try) but click on top rated, then click on race. Have a look how "flowy" it is, how one thing leads onto another.



It was just brilliant. I disliked the rocket and gauss bit but that was the only bad bit.

Awesome for a first race too


ok "fool" wtf ever
Demo Data


Yeah it does fool

it doesn't even start...
all you did was stack objects and hoped it work