Explosive Traps

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Author jumpmaster
Tags author:jumpmaster rated test v1.3c
Created 2005-04-30
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description NUMA is AWESOME!!!! This is my first map and it took me about 4 hours to make. REMEBER: Traps arnt always bad. They can, when activated, slow your falling, act as platforms, and prevenent you from getting harmful traps. Traps are youre friends.........some of the time.


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you should space the mines a bit more- so you can't slip between them, but so there are no solid lines or blocks....

Or that is my opinion....

This is a very nice first level... welcome!
Gold placement. Although it's not very nice looking here, at least you put it and that's always good.
Tileset. At least this level had some structure, as opposed to many people's first maps.
Playability. Even though usually trap doors are very much disliked, they didn't cause any problems for me here. I happened to beat the level on the first try, but when I tried again and again I never really got frustrated.

Flow. Instead of this level handing you the win, you have to work hard. As in, the tiles aren't quite set for the job.
Amount of items. Many of these items are unrequired (that huge amount of mines at the right!?), but that's not a biggie.
Asthetics. This level in short doesn't look good. Always keep that in mind. Symmetricality can help in aesthetics, but it can also just rely on filling in tiles and making sure that it doesn't look like barf.
Overall it's a pretty nice first level with quite a few flaws. Check out some of the top rated maps. They will help you. They are your friends. They're how I got where I am now.
Demo Data


hey, I'm glad you like NUMA, too. Very challenging, for me anyway (i'm new too). It needs somthing, like flow to your getting the items and switches and ending the level.Nice job, though, for your first map.