Nth 09-2 - Pl0x

Thumbnail of the map 'Nth 09-2 - Pl0x'

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Author Sendy
Tags action author:sendy bitesized playable rated
Created 2007-01-31
Last Modified 2007-01-31
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description Another taster. Just a level to provide some fun. Sort of like a reward level.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '02-1 - Forgotten Sanctorum (edit)' Thumbnail of the map 'Splorch!' Thumbnail of the map 'Subplot' Thumbnail of the map 'House of Thwump' Thumbnail of the map 'Nth 20-4 - Paradigm Meltdown' Thumbnail of the map 'Nth 09-0 - Trained'
02-1 - Forgotten Sanctorum (edit) Splorch! Subplot House of Thwump Nth 20-4 - Paradigm Meltdown Nth 09-0 - Trained


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Demo Data

AGD once more

i liked the trick with the one-ways and the tiles


PD: NOBYL, your level comes next. i looked at it and like it. then ill continue with sendy's
Demo Data
Plays like a charm.

Dear Sendy,

I recently made a new map,
and was hoping to get advice from all the greats here on numa hoping to become a better map maker, so if you see this comment, please comment rate and tell me what i can do better with my maps
Hit me back, Nobyl


the mine jumping was horrendously tricky. I loved every second of it. Until I died

ahh, lol.

funny ending. I must come back to these episodes though. good to see you again here on numa, sendy! yeah, i'm all totally for the episode thing, too. It's way cooler than regular levels. you should check out my dr. spunk series! must run now but I'll be back to catch myself up on your maps (it's been a great while)
Demo Data


All that gold is because it's episodic and I don't want the player to run out of time on the difficult part. I think it's fun to collect but any opinion is valid.


why do people yell about gold clumping??? Some people have different tastes ;)


The gold was great! this level just screams "Get the Gold!"

Very fun. The little caves with mines and the one ways... I never could get that ramp jump right, had to keep going back to get all the gold there.

Demo Data

Why all the gold?

Not one of your best definetly. 3.5/5