Lead Lined Psychos

Thumbnail of the map 'Lead Lined Psychos'

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Author altemo
Tags action author:altemo playable rated
Created 2007-02-07
Last Modified 2008-08-02
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description More boxes.... more destruction..... and more enemies.... As before the name says it all.... little lead boxes filled with destruction... Check out its predecessors (nightmares and demons) for more lead lined fun.... Enjoy...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Elusive Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'PSYCHOneurosis' Thumbnail of the map 'MEch FisH' Thumbnail of the map 'Lead Lined Nightmares' Thumbnail of the map 'Dual Edged REdux' Thumbnail of the map 'Lead Lined Demons'
Elusive Doom PSYCHOneurosis MEch FisH Lead Lined Nightmares Dual Edged REdux Lead Lined Demons


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but its done in a certain way so its not annyoing? if you catch my drift.


That box with the l;asers is hard man!

Wow, i love this.

I think it should go in the sunday n.