Trapped, With Suicide As The Only Way Out

Thumbnail of the map 'Trapped, With Suicide As The Only Way Out'

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Author k1rbywasthere
Tags author:k1rbywasthere playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-02-19
Last Modified 2007-02-19
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Read the title.

This is not cheatable. If it is, I will cry.

Please rate & comment... I need feedback. Thank you

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Too hard

You should make this easier.
And the laser drones can shoot at you when you are in another room.
Also the zap drones dont work and NEVER hide stuff under gold.
and btw this is cheatable.
At the top middle room with those one-way platforms.
If you come from below you can immediately go to the left and get the switch.
Nice idea but poorly executed.



oh no

i was killed in 15th room by chaingun drone...
i really like this puzzle.i'll work on demo later.

thanks usaswim

and in case anyone needs a demo, i got one. but it would ruin the fun so yeahh

Pretty cool

The lag starts off as light and ends up light...

I kinda like this, but too long. 4.5/5

im sorry

its fine on my computer. the lagging decreases as you open more doors.

Cool tileset

But it's waaaaaaay too laggy on my poor old computer :(