Door Eerie Maze

Thumbnail of the map 'Door Eerie Maze'

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Author ctuttle
Tags author:ctuttle playable puzzle unrated
Created 2007-02-27
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Just like a normal door eerie except this one is a maze. Some paths will lead to death, or maybe just a cage. Find out. Might lag a bit.

Other maps by this author

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Devil's Bridge #3: Construction Devil's Bridge: Tileset Door Erie (With Gold) Devil's Bridge #4: Hijacked Devil's Bridge #5: Door Eerie Devil's Bridge #6: Blocky Bridge


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Demo for left

Here's the solution to the left side.
Demo Data

Left works

Left does work, but it's a maze and you picked the wrong direction. I'll post the demo soon.

You didn't playtest

left doesn't work
Demo Data

i liked it

i really liked this map it was fun i liked the maze idea of dead ends and optional exits and ways it was fun 4/5


Here's one solution (out of two)
Demo Data