Difficult yet Simple

Thumbnail of the map 'Difficult yet Simple'

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Author n0valyfe
Tags author:n0valyfe playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-03-09
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description This may look easy, but its actually quite tricky. It requires precise jumping. The gold is optional. Post your speed demos. This is my second map so please rate easy on me.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gold Blocks'
Gold Blocks


Pages: (0)

Quickest demo.

Simple if you know how to do it.
Demo Data


yes I am n0valyfe that quit rs. But i didn't quit because I was pushed from rank 1 after being there for a day.

almost like

a simple challenge map...

Ps. is this the same n0valyfe that quit rs after obtaining 1st place for a day? (I quit too)
Demo Data

and also,

On top of what apg was saying, I would like to point out that when I look at one of formica's maps or some other big-name author, I think to myself: Does this map really deserve 4.5/5?

I then flick to the newest page out of curiosity, and see this really fun race map that someone has put up, and because it doesn't have a big name labelled on it, people think it is terrible.

Many of my fun hours playing 'N' have been playing maps that are fun, whether they are made by a well-known author or not, I don't care how maps look; I care how fun they are; which is why I often click on the ugliest of maps. Which, co-incidently makes me a great fan of Picasso.

To everyone: if you do give a 1 or something when rating a map, you better have a pretty fucking good reason for it. I mean, although I may sound like some rambling, jealous whinger, I do actually have a point. Look at my maps for instance (not advertising by the way) . 54 maps, and only 2 have been given a public rating. Some of my best maps have been rated down by the best at NUMA because they see me as some try-hard who thinks they are the best.

Well, to all those who this affects, fuck you. It is all you who don't give people like me a chance. n0valyfe, good name, the runescape guy is a god.

I hope this makes some sense. And also, I'm sorry for posting such a large thing on your map. Btw, I loved this. 4/5.


I will sign up with the forums pretty soon. Im currently making a DDA using that guide. Its very helpful.


No problem. You're also welcome to the Metanet Forums.
Drop me a PM if you have problems with mapmaking or anything else.


thx apg
go here:

*Agrees with apg*

its nice little challenge. 2.5 for effort.
...they h8 ur maps...
...spend more than 1min making the map...
...dont bother, quit...
...If you dont want to be associated with shit maps...

All this on his second map?

...I already fee like quitting...

Were you all treated this way?

This wasn't so bad. At least he's trying. There are many worse authors on NUMA. Skip the map if you don't want to play it.

Don't discourage newer members just because they're new. You guys don't seem to be so experienced yourselves.

Instead of saying that "the map sucks", give constructive criticism. Tell what he could have done better, not silently give an 1 and run. That way, you won't be driving away new members.

n0valyfe: Welcome to NUMA! Great to see that you're interested in mapmaking. I'll give you some advice.

1. Make a tileset first, or choose one from the pre-set ones in the Tileset category. When doing the latter, don't forget to credit the original author.

2. Make sure the objects support the gameplay. Use a wide variety of different objects to make the map versatile.

3. Playtest the map. Don't submit a map if you don't personally enjoy. Check that the map is not cheatable. After that, go on and put the map for everyone to see.

4. Don't care about what the others think. If they give your maps bad ratings or start flaming, ignore them. If someone gives you criticism, though, accept it.

You create for your own sake, not the others'.
A good change to practice double bounceblock jumps.
Demo Data
If you dont want to be associated with shit maps then spend more than one minute on them.
If you think it will make you a nerd, don't play!
but i still play in a band listen to good music watch good tv shows play alot of sport and ... stuff

if you dont wanna spend more than a minute on making a level dont bother, quit


you whine alot don't you. How old are you-just out of curiosity?
Demo Data


I dont want to spend more than 1 min making a map. im not a nerd.
spend more than 1min making the map

lol good for you

practice, people dont h8 u they h8 ur maps although if u keep complaining theyll prob h8 u aswell just look at top rated and bitesized and keep practicing, once u get good youll get noticed, numa is a game in its self

This sucks

People hate me already. Im only new and everyone judges me like im a professional. I made a map which i think is tricky. Everyone hates me and my maps and I have only submitted 2!!! I already fee like quitting.


you rated 1/5. im only new to this game. Its tricky for me.


Not tricky.
Demo Data