my map

Thumbnail of the map 'my map'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author zvs83
Tags author:zvs83 n-art rated
Created 2007-03-16
by 29 people.
Map Data

Description this mine

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Do you see grey spots in the middle of the squares' Thumbnail of the map 'Climb the balls 2' Thumbnail of the map 'climb the balls 3 ' Thumbnail of the map 'Blocky coaster' Thumbnail of the map 'jump' Thumbnail of the map 'bottle of "blood"'
Do you see grey spots in the middle of the squares Climb the balls 2 climb the balls 3 Blocky coaster jump bottle of "blood"


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this guy called me a plagurizer! :)

lol romaniac

thats the top left. 0/5


24 ratings! there are plenty of reasnoble maps that need ratings and instead you rate this, and give this bictch attention, which it wat he wants. go away and rate normal maps, not stolen ones.

it just makes it looks shit, and remove the triangle while youre at it

wow, i didnt know this many people get so anal about things like this, sure he'll get banned no doubt

this mine


Nice map dude


Sweep, Ban this man!
NR,btw. I think it has enough already.


We rate maps that deserve our attention, this map deserved our attention and gets 0, whats so wrong about it?


but it is the map of another player

_ _
/ _ 0/0



not your map

you berk thats not your map u pleb


you are a fool,attention seeker.

not really

thats romaniacs map not yours