
Thumbnail of the map 'Insanitism'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Gothic_hippy
Tags author:gothic_hippy playable race rated
Created 2007-03-17
Last Modified 2007-03-17
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description Just crazy.
Total time spent on map: 3.5 hours
Making the map: 2.5 hours
Playtesting: 1 hour

+1 edit from fingersonthefrets.

Just...Enjoy it please.

Other maps by this author

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Larz44 Maggots of the pulse Undergrowth Zomg! a large object hurling itself towards the earth! MegaN The clouds are looking especially threatening today


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generic, and the flow needs work.

it's kinda boring too.



nice flow, except for the landing on the first flip. nice launch usage. a little short.
Demo Data

Another try

I got a lot further in my KRA demo this time. its very hard to stop it dying at the bottom though.
Demo Data

Very Fun

I liked it. 4/5. i have a demo of me trying to keep the first rocket alive the whole time. its not a full demo but its a start.
Demo Data

Very Fun

I liked it. 4/5. i have a demo of me trying to keep the first rocket alive the whole time. its not a full demo but its a start.

nice flow

fun but not much action. 4/5

Thank you.

That really does help alot.

plz change to that,

its really quite nice flow but the launchpads and a few bits stuff it up NR til then


I definetely enjoyed it - even after I finished it I still played it about 5 more times. Nice work. I lost flow a few times, and it could have had a bit more action, but nice fast paced race.
