Hidden Switches

Thumbnail of the map 'Hidden Switches'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Shyguy12
Tags author:shyguy12 playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-03-21
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Find the switches that I put in the wall


Pages: (0)


I took some inspiration from your map, i hope it's okay :)


Demo Data

I put the switches in the wall at just the right place so that they would be hidden but you could still activate them


Thanks for the rating too!


did u do that ?
How did you hide the switches? Wow..

Load the map
Then in the textbox under it paste the demo data. press 3 then Q. That loads the demo and gets it ready to play. Then press P to play (make sure caps lock is on) That should work. Rate my maps please? :)


can you please help me beacuse I dont know how to watch demos, and I already read the readme file

Demo Data