Jane Penguin

Thumbnail of the map 'Jane Penguin'

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Author joshwapiano
Tags action author:joshwapiano playable rated
Created 2007-03-22
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This took a lot longer than expected to make.
Lots of challenges, most relatively simple, but one or two require some luck as well. I recommend attempting the third hole with the single thwump first, as this one can easily go wrong.
The reason for low gold is because i feel it usually ruins my maps.
Enjoy, and please comment if you like, or dislike this map, so that i can improve my skills.

Other maps by this author

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Sorbitan Shuttle Squirrel Alliance The United Kingdom United Kingdom Transition Solutions Speed of the Steep


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Yeah that's the only method i had in mind.
Nice Demo!
But is there an easier way to get past the thwump in the third room?

(Demo shows my method =P)
Demo Data
Nice tiles. Fun to play. A little bland though.
More gold would have been nice, spread throughout the level, rather than just at the end. 4/5.

Nice TS

really fun