
Thumbnail of the map 'Levels'

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Author Echarin
Tags action author:echarin playable rated
Created 2005-05-28
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description Enjoy.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Infiltrate' Thumbnail of the map 'Plus what's on the inside' Thumbnail of the map 'Central' Thumbnail of the map 'I like pie!' Thumbnail of the map 'Cruise Control' Thumbnail of the map 'Pillars in the Sky'
Infiltrate Plus what's on the inside Central I like pie! Cruise Control Pillars in the Sky


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I pretty much like this. It is a good challenge. In fact, I think I may just put it into my userlevels.txt... just maybe. The third level is the hardest for me, but like i said, it is a good challenge.


Ok, the room at the bottom..... that is hard, but there is a strategy to it. You use the upper bounce blocks to dampen the fall so you don't drop down to the mines when you land on the lower bounce blocks.

Here's a completion demo.
Demo Data


I found the mine-parts to be rather easy, or at least doable.


extremely difficult. i think there were too many mines for it to easily be.... "doable".