Peripheral Vision

Thumbnail of the map 'Peripheral Vision'

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Author Evil_Bob
Tags action author:evil_bob bitesized featured innovative playable rated
Created 2007-04-04
Last Modified 2007-06-22
by 53 people.
Map Data

Description A pretty interesting map. can be anoying at times if you don't understand how it works. But it shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Give me some demos! fastest AGD wins a ded. By me.

This map was featured on 2008-08-26

This is a prime example of a puzzle map. The gameplay, which involves dodging seeker drones amid a field of bounceblocks - some of which conceal switches, others, a more deadly secret - is addictive and challenging, which is always a good combination. And while it may seem impossible to determine which blocks are which, Evil_Bob has infact hidden the answer right before your eyes. — condog_111

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'SRS-88PC' Thumbnail of the map 'Connect' Thumbnail of the map 'Dollar Bill' Thumbnail of the map 'No Time' Thumbnail of the map 'Parti ' Thumbnail of the map 'Bottle CAPS'
SRS-88PC Connect Dollar Bill No Time Parti Bottle CAPS


Pages: (0)

Oh wow, of course!

nice concept

once i figured it out tho, i got bored


I dont see why people think this is bad as an action map. That is the only way I see it work.

4/5 Good but not perfect.


shit rule.


unlike many levels in which bounce blocks obscure a myriad of hindrances, this level not only eliminates the need to die to find out, but is also wickedly fun to play.
great idea though. And I'm not going to spoil the fun by telling the answer.
Although, I think everyone could see it immediately.

Good idea,

but not good for actions. 3.5, but I don't have the heart to rate it a 3 or a 4. NR then.


I caught it. =)

yes, I see it too

the hole is in the wrong place slightly
stunning concept


fastest by a bit :D
Demo Data
Having to use your peripheral vision really detracts from whatever good gameplay might arise from the bounceblocks (not to mention my eyes hurt after five minutes of playing it; my problem, probably). Overall you've made a great concept for a puzzle map that sadly really doesn't seem to have much of a place in action maps such as this. 3.5 rounded down.


It's okay, but nothing special imo.

I had this idea

But it was a little different.

Either way, concept is great.


I just noticed a mistake in it. Not really important but funny.
Too bad I never chose to submit it. 4/5

My demo is slow.

I'm not gonna bother improving it cuz this map isn't that fun. Just a concept.
Demo Data


I get it. The top represents the bottom. Nice. 4.5/5


This is hot shit.


What an awesome map

Innovative. That's the only way to describe this map. It took me a while, but I got the concept, and then I realized how awesome this is.


Great concept.

With all that's gone before, and the extreme limitations of NED, this is extremely innovative. Bravo, imo.


All gold demo

Snail's demo is snail pace. Not too bad of a map. 4/5
Demo Data


It helps to just memorize the positions of everything. =P
Demo Data

Hey! I get it

Scrap what I just said before. (I'm a bit slow)
Pretty Cool

Neither Do I

Same point as GreenEggsAndHam
Where's the fun in just bouncing around?


why is this so awesome!?
I don't like the one ways or whatever over the door though... :P
Demo Data



Could be executed a little better, but not bad. 3/5.


I can't believe that no one has thought of this yet.

Oh wow, I agree

Took me a second, but that's a cool concept. GJ. 4.5/5

Oh, ignore that.

I just read the title of the map :P
Clever idea.
It's just switches and mines, hidden under bounce blocks. Am I missing the point?