
Thumbnail of the map 'Circular'

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Author nman2321
Tags author:nman2321 playable race rated
Created 2007-04-08
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description everyone's doing short races so..

Other maps by this author

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Peter Griffin compass star Oppyical illusion Brian Griffin Peter Griffin locked up


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Okay, I exaggerated, but it's still a bad map, repetitive and unplayable.

this is almost

like Mechanics i made, but smaller, rougher tileset and laggier.

A bit uninspiring

It feels like you're constantly being shoved around by launchpads, and there's no variety at all - every jump you need to make is the same. Also, the gold-delayed switch is irritating - not to mention that it's fairly easy to finish without hitting it.

Not a terrible map, but not really enjoyable either.