spontaneous internal combustion

Thumbnail of the map 'spontaneous internal combustion'

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Author lemon007
Tags author:lemon007 playable race unrated
Created 2007-04-15
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i made a map
tell me if it needs editing
constuctive critisism please

Other maps by this author

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mine jumping fhqwhgads 16 rooms of terror error: 404 not found (not) thwumped (no name)


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Make it longer...

Right now there is a lot of open space. Add more loops and stuff.
The beginning needs more flow. N falls too fast, so he doesn't reach the end of the roof-ramp thingy. Fix that. Try adding a chaingun or so, but don't add a laser. A gauss in the small space with the exit switch might be good. Add a few more rockets.

Fbf'd AGD, btw. NR.
Demo Data

A bit simple

No really close calls, or anything really super-dangerous. I don't know how you would do it, but perhaps putting some gold in there at least for the aesthetic effect or some rockets chasing your or something like that would make it a bit more lively and interesting. It flows quite well, but there's just not enough going on.

Completion demo...there's no gold, so it can't be an AGD.
Demo Data