And as the door said; hold me open, hold me close

Thumbnail of the map 'And as the door said; hold me open, hold me close'

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Author AMomentLikeThis
Tags author:amomentlikethis bitesized featured playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-04-18
by 26 people.
Map Data

Description I had fun playtesting this.

This map was featured on 2013-04-08

Your dizziness comes slipping through the thwumps. Your headache is an overwhelming gauss. Your worst nightmare, drones skimming your feet. Your perdition, the tempting gold. The mines here might even seem your friends. Your pipe dream is the exit.

I expect to see many comments like: extremely cramped, impractically tough; even not feature-worthy. But I also hope to see the run that makes you stand out from the crowd. To me, amlt made ​​a gem to remove your delusions of grandeur and cause you to reconsider if you are good at this game. Purpose managed perfectly. — zoasBE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rebel Against' Thumbnail of the map 'Industrial Run' Thumbnail of the map 'Fluidified' Thumbnail of the map 'Arena 426' Thumbnail of the map 'Stripped' Thumbnail of the map 'Triangular Heartattack'
Rebel Against Industrial Run Fluidified Arena 426 Stripped Triangular Heartattack


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For missing my day.


"there are these objects in this map, and it's stupid hard, but someone might be able to get a good run on it so i'm featuring it". People can get good runs on /good/ maps too, so I just don't think that's a valid criterion for featuring a map.

To clarify my opinion of the map: it was half-decent piece by piece, but still had nothing noteworthy. Just felt like rooms and wasn't really cohesive.

Slow AGD

This actually wasn't too tough. The gold on the left of the fifth section and the gold on the right of the sixth section are tough but the rest is pretty routine... that might be because I mostly play mine jumpers and simple challenges. Frankly the average room with an open section and three rockets is more difficult... at least for me (I suck at dodging rockets).

Also this wasn't technically an AGD, but I missed three pieces of gold in one of the easier sections... I just didn't notice it on my way up lol.

As for the map? It's decent, some of the areas are really fun, I enjoyed 1, 6 and 8 especially. Reviewing it based on difficulty is stupid though, half of new user maps are more difficult, lots of them verging on impossible. My first map took me like 4 years to beat, but no one on earth would think it should be featured. Map seems a little too plain/unmemorable to warrant a feature.
Demo Data

I don't suppose amlt will misconstrue my point so far as to believe that I was comparing the two maps.

haha mintnut, what you think that amlt will think about you comparing this map with that map? hahaha.
And I beat it!! :D
Demo Data

Honestly, I don't see the problem with that comment.

The rest of the comment was pizzles criticising your choice of map, which I've just defended his right to do.

To an extent I agree with him, you could just as easily attach your review to this map [].
But from this Pizzle's sentence:
You would think one would feature a map
despite being ridiculously hard, not because of it. Nothing noteworthy about this.

the only thing I found talking about the map and 'criticising' it is the part in bold. The other part is talking about what should do.

zoas: you have the right to feature any map you like, this does not remove other people's right to criticise the map, or criticise your choice. acknowledging that your taste is not that of pizzles does not negate his views. The responses to your feature choices should be acknowledged, not dismissed.


It's a shame that xela is not here anymore, an agd here would be awesome!
But hey, wait! Where's Eddy!?

Pizzles sorry,

I honestly think that this is a great map, noteworthy, while is quite tough, it's also honorable to mention. Every object is extremely well placed and well planed. The increasing difficulty is also nice achieved floor by floor, I like while using pretty simple concepts in a certainly cramped space, all of them are bit different and works nice belong the player skills. Also, while all golding this is devilish but the main challenge and the purpose, I like that this one had a pretty clear 'completion' route without golds, easier for not as outstanding players like me. About the aesthetics, they are also mentionable, to me looks cool far from ugly, he used a simple figure of tiles reproducing it slightly displaced floor by floor, and not modifying it until the top, and creating on each different challenges. The whole thing looks like a bones spine tile, which i think is clever.

But above all my /personal/ opinions, is my feature spot, and I would choose to map I want to choose. You have your own spots, so choose your own maps to feature. I'll do the same.

And please, Pizzles, stop bitching on almost every map I feature, certainly we have not the same tastes, but this does not give you the right to jettison any contribution I make. If you don't like the map, it's right, but please talk about the map itself instead of pointing me with your finger. Then after it's you who said that I am the one who starts to vary on maps out of place... Please, think about it.

it is such a relief that someone else thinks that's the greatest demo of all time
evil_ or 3vil or something
i featured Stealth Suit by evil__ and not long after xaelar did that godlike run of it. probably the best demo in n.
despite being ridiculously hard, not because of it. Nothing noteworthy about this.
It's a community challenge and not a casual lounge-about. I would enjoy it as it's a very well thought out map - all objects are on point - but it's just too simple, cramped and ugly for me to enjoy it.

ERROR 305-C67: cannot compute rating
but obviously its way too hard...

zoas post an agd and I might forgive you :D
Demo Data

you should try it flag, not as tough, at least for a speedrun, you have skills for it. Entertaining and fun.

oh this was the map? makes sense

can't really stand it though

nice work, AMLT!

5 from me.
underclock speedrun demo....
Demo Data


haha mintnut, I found this map really funny sincerely.
Demo Data

This map is just plain not fun.

Enjoying the irony of a zoas feature having this comment though:

"But don't get too carried away! If you don't actually think it's one of the best maps ever, it doesn't deserve a 5."


This is the kind of map that Mr_Lim would dominate back in the day...
Demo Data

extremely cramped

impractically tough; not feature worthy

jk, I'll try this out later :P

flag put this in just 100 words impressively, thanks.




That was horrible. Boring, hard, cramped, not fun.


Demo Data


I like it, but it's essentially a minejumper with less mines.


I didn't like it.
Actually, it sucks.


Great job. Everything is very well placed.



Didn't make it on my top list either, VV33. Just a bit different type of map. Pretty cool, too. 3.5

Well, alright.

But don't get too carried away! If you don't actually think it's one of the best maps ever, it doesn't deserve a 5. If it's pretty darn close, give it a 4.5. :/

@ nevermore

yah, i had alot of fun playing it- i may have been exadurating a little. i found the style kinda cool and quirky..

You serious?

Best map ever? I find this horrible cramped, long, boring and repitive. Poor gameplay, for me, and average tiles and design.




You replace those thwumps with tiles and you show me a demo of you getting past all of them.

Anyway, heres a pretty much completion demo. For the end though, you have to avoid the exit switch, jump to the right exit then run + jump back to the left to gain momentum to make the jump to the left door.
Demo Data


Most room maps suck, but this one is very well executed. I don't really see any point in the thwumps in the first room; you could have just used tiles. Unless you were trying to be unique ;) 3.5.