Chop Suey

Thumbnail of the map 'Chop Suey'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Gothic_hippy
Tags author:gothic_hippy rated tileset
Created 2007-05-01
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description Yes, All your suspicions are belong to us, it is a jewish-lamb/spider.

Ded to Mechtradevil because he just straight-up rocks.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Between the lines of skin' Thumbnail of the map 'This is no time to live' Thumbnail of the map 'NaN in your brainz.' Thumbnail of the map 'T.I.N.A.F.' Thumbnail of the map 'Death is fine, Gimme mine.' Thumbnail of the map 'AnGry GeARs'
Between the lines of skin This is no time to live NaN in your brainz. T.I.N.A.F. Death is fine, Gimme mine. AnGry GeARs


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fingersonthefrets... where would any of us be without the good people who submit tilesets for others to use?




are proper maps...

good tiles but

please can you actually do some proper maps? 4/5

Chop Suey?

Meh. Where did you get that cute title?

Thought so..


hoooaaahhhh boy.

Yeah, that was me back there... srry for any misunderstanding. :P

oh dogfucks

sorry, this is my damn brothers account.. he never logs off and I keep forgetting to log myself on.

holy shit

I feel so overwhelmingly happy.
This makes my day...
and truly, a brilliant, brilliant tileset right here.
I will one-hundred-percent-guaranteed use this, just not now, I'm swamped with homework. :P
And, um, best description ever.
with a hint of rabies

Nice map
