
Thumbnail of the map 'topsie'

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Author Slightly_Thwumped_up
Tags author:slightly_thwumped_up playable race unrated
Created 2007-05-17
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description another race level by me.
oh and by the way... HOLD RIGHT BEFORE PLAYING...
have fun R C E

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'survival ring' Thumbnail of the map 'AN3S' Thumbnail of the map 'gersand fernad' Thumbnail of the map 'tileset  1' Thumbnail of the map 'tileset  2' Thumbnail of the map 'tileset  3'
survival ring AN3S gersand fernad tileset 1 tileset 2 tileset 3


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What people may say: "I am so fucking sick of race levels that look like the stomach and intestines."

What you do: Try not to use large, semi-circular loops. Try to get the ninja thrown against the walls like a rollercoaster, and use half loops or curved segments to make the map look better. Small loops are okay in the right places.

What people may say: "SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM."

What you do: When it comes to enemies and gold, keep only the minimal amounts necessary. On gold, this is a grey area- it all depends on the map. For races like this, though, I'd half snap the gold, and tone it down. Also, don't listen to Remus. This map needs less enemies. On the bottom left where you have five gausses stacked on top of eachother, you only need one. The same goes for other enemies. Also, in a race, because you know what path the player will take, place your enemies in strategic areas where close calls will occur.

What people may say: "That tileset is disgusting."

What you do: Refer to the top-rated tilesets page for this one. Get a gauge of what looks nice in tiles, and develop your own style from it. A tip to doing this is to take one of your favorite tilesets, go into ned, and place your cursor over the tiles to get a glimpse of the actual individual tiles and patterns used to make the tileset. This will make building your own tiles easier.

What people may say: "The flow sucks."

What you do: Refer to the top-rated race page for this one, and see what kind of tile patterns that make up the flow. (For instance, 5-6-7-6-5 can be used to make a flowy curve). This will help you along with your own flow. A tip for this is to keep the ninja pushed against the walls like a roller coaster, like before.

Keep trying!



I like the tileset...
And it was fun...
A few suggestions:
Make it harder, take away some gold, make it longer, add more enemies, make the flow clearer.


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