
Thumbnail of the map 'n.A.u.A.o'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author AMomentLikeThis
Tags action author:amomentlikethis bitesized playable rated
Created 2007-05-18
by 24 people.
Map Data

Description ...thats what it says, anyway.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'One of those crappy survival maps' Thumbnail of the map 'Running a legless marathon with the bumble bees of May' Thumbnail of the map 'Rain' Thumbnail of the map 'Unholy Divinity: You Vs. Faith' Thumbnail of the map 'Jigawop' Thumbnail of the map 'Here (In Your Arms)'
One of those crappy survival maps Running a legless marathon with the bumble bees of May Rain Unholy Divinity: You Vs. Faith Jigawop Here (In Your Arms)


Pages: (0)

best run ever

Demo Data


... and in nearly half the time!!!
Demo Data

Modified launchpads which are weaker only activate if you fall onto them or come at them from underneath. The weaker the launchpad, the higher speed you need to activate them.

Heh! Silly.

Me likes. 3.5/5.

It seems that the launchpads activate only when you hit their exact center.

Really cool

the quasi-dimensional launch pads were fun!
Demo Data

that was great!

crazy launch pads.
Demo Data


very nice !
awesome aesthetics...

Demo Data

I bit.

how'd... how'd you even do something this awesome?
I may bitesize a lot of maps, but man does this deserve it. Wow!

although some launchpad stuff is weeeeiiirrrrddd.
absurdly good challenge.
Demo Data