Door Propulsion Remix

Thumbnail of the map 'Door Propulsion Remix'

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Author Gforce20
Tags author:gforce20 test unrated
Created 2007-05-19
Last Modified 2007-05-19
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Don't think this has been discovered yet... if it has, just shout. By the way, this is PURELY a test level. YOU WILL EXPLODE HALF THE TIME. The other half of the time you get propelled at high speeds.
Use at free will.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Be there, 8:00 SHARP.' Thumbnail of the map 'She's a Villainess' Thumbnail of the map 'She's a Villainess (tileset version)' Thumbnail of the map 'Highway del Sol' Thumbnail of the map 'Spring into action' Thumbnail of the map 'Ragdoll Games'
Be there, 8:00 SHARP. She's a Villainess She's a Villainess (tileset version) Highway del Sol Spring into action Ragdoll Games


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Demo Data
but this is expanded. In yahoozy's map he only utilizes the first-frame-after-hitting-launchpad glitch; in this one it harnesses it and uses the excess energy to accelerate him even further.

Sorta found, look at yahoozy's Jetter Bleu:

I don't think that's the earliest example, though. I like how this one propels N ^^
