Green Dragon Part 5

Thumbnail of the map 'Green Dragon Part 5'

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Author cucumber_boy
Tags author:cucumber_boy n-art rated
Created 2007-05-26
Last Modified 2007-05-28
by 14 people.
Map Data

Description Boy the sky is time consuming!

Put another 2 hours into it!

I added a much more sky

Overall Takes 14 minutes and 38 seconds to load on my home computer. Just to give you an idea of how big this project actually is the code itself takes up 19 pages 12pt font, and single spaced times new roman. The average ms/f when I am in the Neditor is about 1500, and when not in the neditor about 2500. This is a really big code!

Overall Time taken to complete this is reaching about 7 hours! Enjoy!

This is about as far as my home computer can take me, so yeah!


Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Horse Part 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Slimpernickel' Thumbnail of the map 'Green Dragon Part 3' Thumbnail of the map 'Concept Dragon' Thumbnail of the map 'Concept Dragon Part 2' Thumbnail of the map 'Green Dragon Part 4'
Horse Part 2 Slimpernickel Green Dragon Part 3 Concept Dragon Concept Dragon Part 2 Green Dragon Part 4


Pages: (0)

the clouds r weird




that depends

for me, the eye seems black, so you may want to use multiple switches and make the pupil yellow or red.

and Im saying trap door and regular door switches.

just dont use blue. or mines.


I would just appreciate this map so much more if the clouds matched. Amazing job on the rest of it, though.


like afternoon dragon step 04 did?


The dragons and the mountains are very nice, but I think those cliched, kindergarten-style clouds absolutely ruin the map. It would be much better without them. You could try putting in more realistic clouds, and it would match the rest of this awesome n-art.

The top would be faded, the bottom would be blue.
I really adore your Art!!! 5/5!!! I'm not an expert but I think the dragon's "hair" could be a little bit more golden?

@ 99tutle99

how do you suggest that I could do that? I have played around with the idea, but have come up with nothing

is this what you want by gradient, I am going to complete the way I have been, becuase there is no way that I can go back now, since all the doors are clumped togother and the doors are the only place you can delete, not the actual switch, so yeah

and, if possible

make the eye easier to see.


I'll take SOME of those suggestions into consideration
thanx for the feedback!
The body near the neck needs a little bit of shrinking, the clouds needs to look more like it is part of the background (maybe you would do that for the final step) and..

Why didn't you complete that mountain at the bottom?
Move the launchpads further up for a better effect of shine, and what is that thing at the top left corner? It doesn't look like anything. I think you should delete it, but if you do make it something in the final step, don't delete it.

By the way, some of the mountains need smoothening. The clouds needs smoothening too..

And why is the sky all blue? Please fade it as it gets lower, and put a sun!

It's all for the next step, and I don't like how you put it as N Art, not Incomplete.
but its an optical illusion on how it is next to so much blue that it appears grey, any suggestions on how I can get the clouds to ACTUALLY look grey?


Take your time. Don't stress yourself.
not that purple colour

scales are nice
background complements the dragon
nice work
will wait to rate

No I haven't

I still have to do the other side of the sky (a very daunting task!)

You completed it.

And it's better than I thought it would look. good job. 5/5 and faved.