Mine Sweeper

Thumbnail of the map 'Mine Sweeper'

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Author Why_Me
Tags author:why_me dda rated
Created 2007-06-02
Last Modified 2007-06-02
by 17 people.
Map Data

Description ===HOLD LEFT===

I retract my statement from my previous DDA. This is my best map, I think. THis is my first hold left/right DDA. I think it's amazing, because its 1886 frames are filled with close calls; most of which are with mines; most of which can be better seen in FBF. I didn't cram a trillion enemies in here; I wanted it to be fairly simple. Except for the mines. There's also no edited launchpads, and I only used 4. Of those 4, I used 2 or 3 twice, but I only used the other 2 or 1 once. I also only used the first launchpad after 1000 frames!

If you're reading this right now and you've already seen the thumbnail, you may be saying, 'That DDA can't work; there's too many mines,' but it does, and it works great.

This isn't the best DDA ever made, and it probably isn't even close, but I tried my best. You might not like this, so if you don't, then please don't rate. If you do like this map, then please rate & comment. But at least rate.

I hope that you rate, comment, and play this map, as I want a public rating, (like my last DDA). Bitesizing is also welcomed, but that may not come to my maps. :-(

So, I hope you like it, as I have spent a while making it, and you don't wnat to know how long perfecting the mines! :)


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Catching Butterflies' Thumbnail of the map 'X-N' Thumbnail of the map 'Sea of Blood Kelp' Thumbnail of the map 'Hush! Do You Hear The Sound Of Drums?' Thumbnail of the map 'Darkest Darkness' Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Challenge #1'
Catching Butterflies X-N Sea of Blood Kelp Hush! Do You Hear The Sound Of Drums? Darkest Darkness Thwump Challenge #1


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good dda though
without using more than 4 launchpads, using 2 twice, and making lots of close calls! And get it rated 4.5 by 10 people!

I doubt you cold do that, maranoman!
If you think it's so easy!

all u did

was do a dda normally then add mines in places where u wouldnt die, 2/5


seven-two's talking about the use of multiple L-shaped trapdoors that n00bs often use. I'm not calling you a n00b, but I suggest using less trapdoors next time. 4/5


more than one trapdoor propulsion?

Can you give it to me?
but its longer then it appears, and i found myself hoping that it would continu. 4/5

Your trapdoor propulsion usage is extremely basic...
But it does not really deduct quality.
where you caught drones...i knew this map looked familiar

good job

but a cooler thing to do is catch the drones, like someone else did--forget the author, sry about that. I mean you had a lot of trap doors, so catching drones should not be too hard to add... 4.5aved
it's so d*mn hard!

Thanks, all

I'm working on a small, 11x11 DDA right now...but still PLEASE RATE ON THIS MAP!!!!

a mixed map

it reminds me of physco's races, and the crazy miner, except in DDA format. nice work mate.
It slowed down after a while, though. Still, pretty nice!

Cool DDA

It looks like this map took you a while, i gll give you props cuz i would never take the time to make a huge DDA.
