DuckBoat and The Casual Gourmet

Thumbnail of the map 'DuckBoat and The Casual Gourmet'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Mechtradevil
Tags action author:mechtradevil playable rated
Created 2007-06-02
Last Modified 2007-06-02
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description I whipped up an action in loike a half an' hour.
How ya loike it eh?

Rate, comment, Enjoy!
(Mmm, btw, I know the one way is "cheatable", it's meant to do that so you have an easy way out.)


EDIT: to any newcomers to the map, Do NOT load the new data in my comment. Use the regular data.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'PopCherry Italiano' Thumbnail of the map 'My Once-Dead Grandmother's Filthsome Presence; Happy Trail' Thumbnail of the map 'SmuggleMudd; Paprika Lard Sauce' Thumbnail of the map 'AngelzBreakfastHour' Thumbnail of the map 'Blackened Night-Man, Starstruck' Thumbnail of the map 'The California Gold Rush'
PopCherry Italiano My Once-Dead Grandmother's Filthsome Presence; Happy Trail SmuggleMudd; Paprika Lard Sauce AngelzBreakfastHour Blackened Night-Man, Starstruck The California Gold Rush


Pages: (0)


Really? I thought it played beautifully and had a great flow to it. And it was kinda easy :P 5aved


I rated 4 for no reason, but I meant 3.5
It doesn't feel very playable, I don't know why, though..
Demo Data


this tileset is better; you're right.
ANY NEWCOMERS TO THE MAP; Load this data instead. Your demos will still work. 500BD0FQI000FQI000CD00F000CE000CDCD000CDC11D00@00BD00CEBEB10C111111DCD000BDCE0000BD111111111BD000110GH00>11111111110JL00BE?96@0011111111110350000>87A001111111111KM00KL00FIKL01111MJ1111E00KMJL0K1MJL1MJM00JMJ1A00100J1M000JM00000000J00KM00000000000000000000KM0000000000000000000?0JL00000000000?11111111K1M00?D0000000N10N0N000MJL00N14000000>111111110KM00N11LH0000000021111KM000N1111400000000FJ11JL000>11111111@00000021KM0000000P0P01P0000000BM0000?11111111A0000000N0GH00>A000000000000000C?96@000000000000CD00031>87A00000000000CEBDC11E0FI001D0000CDC1E00BEBE0CD00C11D00C1111A000000011DC1111DC111110000000?111111111111111KL00000C111111111111111M1003LKM11111111111111M0JLKMJM011111M0J11M115000JM000K1111M000JM0000GOH0000G1|5^516,324!12^517,275!12^538,288!12^558,305!7^468,180,1!3^546,479!12^241,383!12^253,505!9^277,443,1,0,19,6,1,0,0!0^417,130!0^400,144!0^431,111!0^440,87!12^313,96!6^588,132,1,1,0,2!0^222,456!0^246,462!0^270,474!0^288,492!0^300,516!0^300,540!0^288,558!12^276,204!12^246,144!12^516,36!6^396,300,3,0,0,2!8^552,228,3!12^564,348!12^564,324!12^558,372!12^468,234!11^492,552,468,218!6^516,204,5,1,0,1!3^552,120!0^396,396!0^396,420!0^420,324!0^420,300!1^312,288
As always, your flow is flawless. Gold looks great. I'm not so keen on the thin bits of the tileset though.
Fanatical Snacker?

This is awesome. 5aved.


on my dads crappy computer without N so I can't supply a demo. but i looks great!!!! 5aved!
watch and learn and enjoy.

p.s. this map does NOT have a story line, but nevertheless, the first zap drone that chases you is the Casual Gourmet.
Demo Data