Extreme N

Thumbnail of the map 'Extreme N'

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Author riku97
Tags author:riku97 n-art unrated
Created 2007-06-03
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description N with a twist

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'New Strategy' Thumbnail of the map 'Bulls Eye' Thumbnail of the map 'why!!!!!!!!!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Last Stand' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja Force' Thumbnail of the map 'Ninja Force Re-assemble'
New Strategy Bulls Eye why!!!!!!!!!!! Last Stand Ninja Force Ninja Force Re-assemble


Pages: (0)

it's getting a tad old. the other ones were okay. Put more time into some gigantic N battle royale if you must, but stop with the single ones.

By The Way

if you download the level you can actually watch a kinda cool animation type thing