Rain, rain, go away...

Thumbnail of the map 'Rain, rain, go away...'

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Author MonkeyinaBOX
Tags author:monkeyinabox playable rated survival
Created 2005-06-14
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Please dont be put off by cluttering or lag, it has a really cool effect! Survive the rain and thwumps if you can, but its bloody hard! rate & comment.
WARNING!: Contains lag and clutter, dont rate down due to it, i warned you!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Clouds' Thumbnail of the map 'Dragons Mouth Hole' Thumbnail of the map 'TipToe' Thumbnail of the map 'Power Surge' Thumbnail of the map 'Power Core' Thumbnail of the map 'Why did the ninja cross the road?'
Clouds Dragons Mouth Hole TipToe Power Surge Power Core Why did the ninja cross the road?


Pages: (0)


Cool idea, could've been done better. 3/5
Demo Data

nice idea

just not on you've implemented terribly well. the lag is horrid and load times differ me from replay potential.

i'd like to see it reworked more neatly.


While it isn't impossible, it is rather difficult, and the lag caused me a few untimely deaths. Also, I'd like to say it takes TOO LONG to reset because of those damn "clouds".


it took me about a dozen times to get it
DD it is possible you just have to jump up then go to the right 2 platforms the thumps cant get you and the drones dont go down that line


oh, but i am put off because of the lag.
but the level is much too difficult. and rain doesn't go back up or to the sides when it hits the ground ;)
but it's too difficult.