
Thumbnail of the map 'Eruption'

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Author mrgy05
Tags action author:mrgy05 playable rated
Created 2007-06-07
Last Modified 2008-05-25
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description I don't know how this will go, the flow might be weird, tell me what you think.

- mrgy05

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Naive' Thumbnail of the map 'Core' Thumbnail of the map 'Security Deposit' Thumbnail of the map 'A Tad Bit Touchy' Thumbnail of the map 'Hung Fire' Thumbnail of the map 'Science'
Naive Core Security Deposit A Tad Bit Touchy Hung Fire Science


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Super Metroid

The very bottom bit reminded me of Super Metroid. You know, the part of the deep Norfair just before you reach the elevator that takes to to fight Ridley? Where there's like, four ball paths that come from the sides and a big statue thing in the center? And you have to enter through the top-left path and leave through the bottom-left path but there are spikes and steam vents going off. Yeah, you know the place.

faster AGD

from me!
Demo Data


Demo Data


the drones were a bit to much, something else is needed instead
Demo Data
good gameplay. 4/5. didnt like the drones so much... they seemed a little OTT.

ok, much as i hate to do this, could someone PLEASE rate some of my maps?! no one has even given them a glance. i wouldnt mind it if it had been ripped apart but when you get 0 comments and no ratings at all afteer the third resubmit its starts to get to you.