No Jumping In The Minefield

Thumbnail of the map 'No Jumping In The Minefield'

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Author stephan_smg
Tags author:stephan_smg playable race rated
Created 2007-06-09
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description NO JUMP RACE
This is a no jump through a minefield with many close calls with mines and rockets! This map also has great flow. RCE

-Flow Demo Included

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bubbles' Thumbnail of the map 'Floor Guards In The Cave, Rockets In The Sky' Thumbnail of the map '"Mommy, can I ride the thwumps?"' Thumbnail of the map 'My First DDA By Accident' Thumbnail of the map 'The Flow Of Teleportation' Thumbnail of the map 'Lets have a two way!'
Bubbles Floor Guards In The Cave, Rockets In The Sky "Mommy, can I ride the thwumps?" My First DDA By Accident The Flow Of Teleportation Lets have a two way!


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Just barely a race, more like a dda :) but I love it. 5/5

such a bad demo lol

its a really bad demo but a really good map 5/5 mate
Demo Data

Sweet! 5/5!

Really Nice map Stephan!

pretty much ezar is a retard, cause the reason it lagged was his computer, not the map, and who cares if it is too "DDA like"! thats how it was meant to be.

OH ya! Jimmy Mcnabb is a f#$#ing special ed dumbaxx cause he is trying to tell u how to use demo data after you have posted like 25 maps...and his comment was crap cause it hurt your rating.

well, I liked it a lot actually, so good job keep it up!


definitely too DDA like, very lagged, tileset is ok. flow is alright, but dont use jumpads like that too much, ruins flow. 3/5.

4.5|5 faved

i like this level idk wat jimmy_mcnabb is talkn bout but the flow is great
Demo Data

the flow was bad.

2-8-3 setups are BAD! use 5-6-7-5 or 5-6-1-7-5's. they are MUCH smoother. @duck: copy the MAP DATA. ut it in the MAP DATA box. copy the DEMO DATA. put it in the DEMO DATA box. press 3. press L. press Q. press P.

very nice

even better then mine


Can someone pleeeeeeeeeeeease tell me about demo's!

Loved it alot

I would put a demo up but i not sure how too (yeah im a noob get over it) but 5/5! nice map.


I really didn't like it. While it's better than your other races, the flow and tiles were just averagely good. Also, try staying away from 2-8-3 tile combinations. it's more flowy if you don't use them.
nice try. 3


fun and clever. Played more like a DDA than a race, but still had some nice spectacles, my favorite being the use of the thumps. 3/5.

Quite a load time.

If a less-laggy version comes out, I will be sure to try it again.

first try

Demo Data


stephan already lewked at that map i posted

kewl 4.5/5

these are more like DDA's, xept ur actually doing somethin. hardly.
here's somethin like a race i made a while ago, kinda cool, but u haveta kno when to jump. dont werry i have a demo for it

first try...

bit too easy.
Demo Data


I love no jumps, thats all i do is look at race maps.


Great map, great flow. 5/5

Flow Demo

Demo Data