N Battleship

Thumbnail of the map 'N Battleship'

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Author McFizzle
Tags author:mcfizzle battleship experimental game rated test
Created 2007-07-01
by 5 people.
Map Data

n battleship! this map is actually a tutorial. playing requires 2 maps, one for u and one for your opponent. say this one is your map.
YOUR TURN: the LEFT side represents your opponent's ships. u call out a coordinate. ex: E7,E is horizontal and 7 is vertical. u then get the piece of gold on the left grid that represents that coordinate. if there is a trap door trigger under it, it is a hit. if not, its a miss. then your opponent does the same.
OPPONENTS TURN: the RIGHT side represents your ships. your opponent calls out a coordinate, you see if there is a normal door trigger on the right grid in that spot. if there is, hit it. thats a hit.
MIDDLE: the spaces are your indicators. when you get a hit, a trapdoor appears. the space it appears in represents the ship that is hit. when the space is filled with trapdoors, a ship is sunk. when your opponent gets a hit, a normal door should disappear. when all the normal doors are gone in a space, your ship is sunk.

Other maps by this author

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Sepatate paths on a fine summer's day tangle Bird hunting chaotic cheese, wine, and grapes


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long time to play and eventually win, not to mention one player could easily look at the other's pieces. The demos would max out Numa as well.

4/5 anyway.

what do u mean

impractical? someone explain.

Nice idea...

But incredibly impractical to say the least.


making these maps is easy and shouldnt take more than a few minutes. your opponent must first arrange his/her ships position on your maps left grid, and you do the same to your opponent. then arrange your ships on the right of your map. you might want to write them down if that helps.

oh, and sorry i didnt post this with the description. right now, it's 995 characters long, so any more would make it too long.