Scorpion Lair

Thumbnail of the map 'Scorpion Lair'

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Author superasiandude
Tags action author:superasiandude playable rated
Created 2005-06-23
Last Modified 2005-06-24
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Uh...this one guy (Barabajagal or something) created the tile outline. I just took it and put the stuff in. I think there's a player glitch on the top or something XD.

Note: To release the chaingun drone you only need to unlock one switch of your choice.

Uh. Story:
N was sent on a mission to the altar of giant scorpions. Uh. He was sent to gather up as many of the golden eggs (gold)as possible. Then escape. One problem. When N got in the altar the door shut and N needs to get out. The switch is right next to the queen. Try to finish N's mission and help him escape. There.

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