you try too hard

Thumbnail of the map 'you try too hard'

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Author sneaky_jimenez
Tags author:sneaky_jimenez playable puzzle rated
Created 2007-07-13
Last Modified 2007-07-13
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description (=, really its not that hard but im sure it will take you a few tries, plz rate and comment thanx, YOU HAVE TO PUT THE CODE IN TWO DIFFERENT TIMES OR ELSE IT DOSENT WORK RIGHT, PUT IT IN ONCE AND THE DELEAT IT THEN PUT IT IN AGAIN

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the n shelter' Thumbnail of the map 'factory power' Thumbnail of the map 'another n shelter' Thumbnail of the map 'the n shelter 2 (fixed)' Thumbnail of the map 'surrender your socks to me' Thumbnail of the map 'surrender your socks to me(resub)'
the n shelter factory power another n shelter the n shelter 2 (fixed) surrender your socks to me surrender your socks to me(resub)


Pages: (0)

just a little while ago, you said it wasn't possible but gay. I have to say, your quite the hipocrit. I didn't use any terrible words in this comment, like you would. I have to give it a 1, like I have given the majority of your other maps. Oh, anyways, if you don't know what a hipocrit is, it's a person who complains about qualities in themselves that are in others as well. I'm sure you didn't know this. Oh, finally, one last statement that speaks for all of us: just stop submitting maps, they waste space on this website's server.
OMG ive never seen such a shameful map
indescribable...there r just no words to describe how crappy n horrible this map is


Not really a puzzle, more of a test concept - you should've added a bit more to it, such as another leg to the map.

Still, at least you're not insulting everyone without justification anymore, to the best of my knowledge. That's a good thing.

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This suckz ^

Boring as hell.

Not hard at all.
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