the grey swirl

Thumbnail of the map 'the grey swirl'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author mr_pac
Tags author:mr_pac playable swirl tileset unrated
Created 2007-07-18
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'a better DDA' Thumbnail of the map 'mitosis.' Thumbnail of the map 'sunset at the horizon.' Thumbnail of the map 'mario#3' Thumbnail of the map 'the pillars of technology ' Thumbnail of the map 'The Grim reaper'
a better DDA mitosis. sunset at the horizon. mario#3 the pillars of technology The Grim reaper


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ahh dang!!!

i forgot to disable ratings.

Sorry, but...

It's kinda boring.

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