
Thumbnail of the map 'Labrynth'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author SaltedFish
Tags author:saltedfish playable uncategorized unrated v1.3b
Created 2004-08-16
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A full maze map. It was my first of it's size, so it's sort of uncomplicated, and don't expect to get locked in somewhere or have doors cut you off of your goal. It's relatively linear, but it takes a while to load.


Pages: (0)

Great map, but...

I may have found an error, or at least a big big sequence break for the map. I'm not sure if it was intended or not.
Demo Data

Re: Yaay!

Yup. Germany(and all of Europe) was great. Glad you liked it. Thanks both.


When I was playing this map, I said to myself, "wow, this map reminds me very much of SaltedFish..." and then I saw who made it. Did you enjoy Germany? Or did you make this there?


Very, very long. Well-designed. I like it.