Half a Word

Thumbnail of the map 'Half a Word'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Green_Ghost
Tags action author:green_ghost playable rated
Created 2007-07-20
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description Kinda similar and just as strange

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The Middle Road' Thumbnail of the map 'Aftre' Thumbnail of the map 'Conspicuously Distinguished' Thumbnail of the map 'If I Submit A Map Right Now' Thumbnail of the map '83' Thumbnail of the map 'Chokehold'
The Middle Road Aftre Conspicuously Distinguished If I Submit A Map Right Now 83 Chokehold


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

Demo Data
I can't say I loved this level either. It was too unorganized. Most of it just seemed...unnecessary. Maybe more enemies, and more useful surfaces?
Superb work mate.

Demo Data
And this map is certainly not auto-generated


I kinda wanted there to be more to this map. The trigger is pointless because the platforms don't go anywhere, so they are also pointless.

It kinda looks autogenerated, but that's just me.
They're both quite challenging.
Which is nice.