SDY 29-0 - Ooh, Nasty...

Thumbnail of the map 'SDY 29-0 - Ooh, Nasty...'

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Author Sendy
Tags action author:sendy playable rated
Created 2005-06-28
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A perilous descent into all things that're bad and un-ninja-supportive-esque-like-ish.

Other maps by this author

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Revert Convert Pervert Plavka! It's Cool to be Kind Letzbe Avenue


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Another way of beating it.

Naturally, faster.

Demo Data


If you don't like it it's no problem. It's meant as a mindless fun map, not my usual fare.


no comment.

I like it

I've played it in game mode, and yes, it's extremely nasty and hard, but it's certainly possible. A pain in the neck to do again, though.

That's okay

I didn't need it back. It's good to have it back, too. It's not that it was bad losing it. It was just bad not having it. It also sucked losing it, though.

Wooty woot!

That was a win.

Glad you en-joy-ed it, oh tetris of blueness. And sorry for hijacking your insanity earlier today. *gives it back to you*
Demo Data


I set everything off. Sadly this doesn't happen in game mode, but it still makes some cool deaths.
Demo Data


Dare I say it... SINteresting, too,

I liked the joy of it.