Bunny Hop

Thumbnail of the map 'Bunny Hop'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author b3njamin
Tags action author:b3njamin b3njamin jumper rated
Created 2007-08-01
Last Modified 2007-08-01
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description really easy jumper that everybody can do.

yes I'm too lazy to make a normel tileset =/
EDIT: I made it uncheatable

Other maps by this author

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madness kracken returns as a DDA the big one ¨°crazy°¨bigger one HearthBreaker sapphire shine


Pages: (0)

oh yeah

fun, though. 3.5/5
que mala suerte. still, fun map. a little more eye candy on the rest of it might be nice.
Demo Data

yes but

people say always its too long to complete

all gold

kinda cool, but yeah, I would try to make it bigger. Try building a map say 20 minutes at a time over a series of days. You are much better off making 1 awesome map than 5 crappy maps... 3.5
Demo Data

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