34 rockets: 3 ways to go

Thumbnail of the map '34 rockets: 3 ways to go'

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Author lord_zecrus
Tags 34rockets author:lord_zecrus dda hldda hrdda rated
Created 2007-08-04
Last Modified 2008-01-05
by 20 people.
Map Data

Description The sequal to

This is a 3-way dda: hold left, hold nothing, and hold right. each of these is short, but action-packed and has tons of close calls. Also, there is no gold delay this time. Hope you enjoy this map, RCE

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the choice of left or right' Thumbnail of the map 'the no-jump dda/race hybrid' Thumbnail of the map '1 decision, 2 paths' Thumbnail of the map 'surrounded by 34 rockets' Thumbnail of the map '34rockets:bounceblock edition' Thumbnail of the map 'small and fast'
the choice of left or right the no-jump dda/race hybrid 1 decision, 2 paths surrounded by 34 rockets 34rockets:bounceblock edition small and fast


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and for 1st place!: hold right
for 2nd:hold left
for last:dont hold anything


i put the data in then i did a dont do anything. i didnt realise it was a 3 way dda so then i was about to rate 1!!


but each path is WAY too short. It would've been better if all the paths finished at the same door, but there are 3 doors, one for each path. 4/5.

sorry, but

only a 4 for me
-.5 each for launchpads and waaaaayy too many rockets

5 again! (:



Amazing to watch

5aved even being powered by launchpads its still cool.


that was awesome.
who ever says that you can't have a good lvl with lauchpads is proved wrong by this.


That, was really neat.

DDA's are fun to watch, but that one had some of the craziest close-calls I've seen yet; Diving and shooting through all those missiles is really cool.

And having 3 different variations on one map, is neat too.


that was awsome! computer couldnt even sho w the whole thing
That was awesome. 4.5/5
Then i would have 5/5'ed it.

As it is, a 4/5