Graves Are Shallow

Thumbnail of the map 'Graves Are Shallow'

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Tags author:palemoon chemist rated
Created 2007-08-07
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Yes, i am posting on the NUMA again. I had left earlier because of some unforseen circumstances, and i have been actually on NUMA for a while now.

Yes, autumndeath is another account of mine. I created it about a month or so ago.

i am well aware of how serious multi-accounting is, and i am well prepared to accept the consequences as such. However, i just wish there was a way to prove i have not been abusing the other account. It was seriously there to post experimental maps of mine, and to help me practice my style of maps. This account has never voted on an autumndeath map, and vice versa.

i apologize for leaving without comment, and right in the middle of a pack i was doing, too.
( sorry, jakel! )

i also apologize for my second account, well and truly.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Srings' Thumbnail of the map 'Botanica' Thumbnail of the map 'The Ironweaver' Thumbnail of the map 'mausoleum suite' Thumbnail of the map 'This Curator is Equipped For Gallery Protection.' Thumbnail of the map 'Mud Graves'
Srings Botanica The Ironweaver mausoleum suite This Curator is Equipped For Gallery Protection. Mud Graves


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Hey, palemoon.

I'm glad that you're back. autumndeath made amazing maps, and I'm not surprised he was your second account. I really hope that you didn't abuse the ratings like I did.

Anyway, to stop from going into a longer comment about my other accounts, I'll switch the subject.

About PB&J: I was confused and angry when you first left, but now I understand that your leave was important.

Here's J&B, if you were wondering.

Glad to see that you're back.
you're a filthy love animal (no matter what account you're on.)


Everyone knew that you were autumndeath.
I had no problem with it. Glad to see you're back as the real you.


who's autumndeath?

I mean...

Well at least you are back, sorta.


*cue make-out scene*
i did not expect autumndeath to be yours, but I did feel suspicious of you as a more experienced mapmakers account. 4/5
I don't hold it against you.